
                         The Culture

      New Zealand has a very unique and dynamic culture. The culture of its indigenous Maori people affects the language, the arts, and even the accents of all the people in New Zealand. Their place in the South Pacific, and their love of the outdoors, sport, and the arts make New Zealanders and their culture unique in the world.

                           The People

          Though a diverse and multicultural people, there are many qualities, including friendliness, individuality, invention and self-reliance, that you'll find in most New Zealanders.

                         The three official languages

 The three official languages of New Zealand are English, Maori and NZ Sign Language. English is the language of day-to-day business within New Zealand, a remnant of ties to the British Commonwealth. Maori is a Polynesian language similar to the languages of other Pacific Island cultures, such as Hawaiian, Tongan, and Samoan. Over 157,000 people in New Zealand speak Maori.

                              Meeting and Greeting

. Greetings are casual, often consisting simply of a handshake and a smile.

. Never underestimate the value of the smile as it indicates pleasure at meeting the other person.

. Although New Zealanders move to first names quickly, it is best to address them by their honorific title and surname until they suggest moving to a more familiar level or they call you by your first name.